项目分类 | 城市规划

安徽颍上旅游小镇/Anhui Yingshang Tourist Small Town

关键词 | 城市规划 旅游小镇

项目位置:安徽 · 颍上

用地面积:1561199 ㎡

建筑面积:2456307 ㎡


容 积 率:1.6

       颍上美景如画,拥有阜阳市唯一国家5A 级八里河风景区,及4A 级迪沟生态旅游风景区。以中国管园为文化核心,秉承大美颍上的城市理念,整合弘扬古今,融合中外游居共享生态康养为一体,以生态文旅为战略导向。借鉴鼓浪屿海上花园的核心艺术主题、游路结构和多种文化交融的理念;融合成都宽窄巷子:闲在宽巷子、品在窄巷子、 泡在井巷子的运营特色,致力打造驰名中外具有颍上标签的管仲故里。
       基地位置位于安徽省西北部,阜阳地区东部。东临吴越,西接中原,有呼南应北、承东接西的地理优势。走千走万不如淮河两岸的独特自然地理环境,孕育了丰富多彩的颍淮文化,是春秋法家先驱管仲故里 和" 东方芭蕾" 花鼓灯艺术的发源地。规划以5000 米滨河风貌为外环、生态康养为内环,展示颍上历史人文风情,引入水系,湿地绿环,形成岛链细胞组团,打造“一园 、两环、 三街、 四片区”的空间格局。
Yingshang County has the only national 5A grade scenic spot and 4A grade ecotourism scenic spot in Fuyang. Taking China Guanyuan garden as the core of culture, adhering to the idea of better city, carry forward the ancient and modern,Integration of Chinese and foreign tourism and ecological health preservation,Strategic orientation with eco-cultural travel, Drawing on the artistic theme of the Gulangyu sea garden, the concept of linear tour structure and culture. Combined with the operation characteristics of Chengdu Kuanzhai Alley, we are committed to creating the famous hometown of Guan Zhong with its regional characteristics.
The base is located in the northwestern part of Anhui province and the eastern part of Fuyang. East facing Wu Yue, West to Central Plains of China, it possesses ideal geographic location and environmental advantages, Formed a colorful Yinghuai culture, it is the hometown of Guanzhong's in the spring and autumn period and the birthplace of the HuaGuDeng art. The plan is to take the appearance of the 5,000m river as the outer ring and ecological health preservation as the inner ring.Display the historical and humanistic customs and wetland green water system,and create the spatial pattern of "one garden, two rings, three streets and four districts".
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